Monday 18 May 2009

white flower garden

I have always imagined what it would be like to have a scented garden consisting mostly of white flowers. It may result in a sensory overload. I recall flipping through some landscape books and coming across one garden consisting just green foliage and white flowers. Although that scene involved using perennials like white roses, peonies, lilies etc, I am sure we could recreate something similar with the use of tropical plants which bear white flowers and which are hopefully scented. These are some plants I can think of:-

1. ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium)
2. spider lily
3. Congea tomentosa (White Congea) (Vine)
4. Gardenia (Shrub)
5. White hibiscus (Shrud)
6. Jasmine
7. Champaca
8. Plumeria obtusa
9. Sedap malam (tuberose)
10. Hoya
11. Cat whiskers
12. brugmansia
13. muraya
14. Clerodendrum chinense
15. Fiddlewood
16. White Alpinia
17. White Thunbergia
18. White crocus
19. White orchids

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