This is a true tropical, requiring heat and high humidity. It is one of the more unusual ferns in existence due to its amazing cobalt blue sheen which no other fern has. The species shows the best colour with moderate to bright light but it can also thrive in very dim light since it exists in nature as an understory plant. It is found mainly in Thailand and Cambodia and is usually found as an epiphyte growing on trees or as a lithophyte growing on limestone.
If grown well, the fern will maintain the metallic blue coloration at all times. It needs to be watered regularly so that the roots doesn't dry out and fertilise regularly with diluted orchid fertiliser.
You can find out more about this fern from Steve Luca's website The Exotic Rainforest .
Hi Russel, did you ever manage to sow the spores? I wonder how long it takes for them to sprout... Thanks